Vam Vira 20 mg tabl. #4

Vam Vira 20 mg tabl. #4

Tuyil Pharmaceuticals
tadalafil 20.0 mg
11 bought
Available now!
500 00

What is the active ingredient in Vam Vira 20mg tablet?


How does Tadalafil work to treat erectile dysfunction?

It inhibits PDE5, increasing cGMP, leading to smooth muscle relaxation and increased blood flow to the penis.

How is Vam Vira absorbed and what is its peak plasma concentration time?

Well absorbed, not affected by food, peak concentration within 2 hours.

How is Vam Vira metabolized and excreted?

Metabolized in the liver and excreted in faeces.

What is the recommended dosage and administration of Vam Vira?

1 capsule daily, 30 minutes before intercourse, or as directed by a physician.

What are some common adverse effects associated with Vam Vira?

Headache, dyspepsia, nasal congestion, and flushing.

What medications should not be used with Vam Vira?

Alpha blockers, rifampicin, and in patients with hypersensitivity to Tadalafil.

What precautions should be taken when using Vam Vira?

Caution in patients with hepatic or severe renal impairment, dosage reduction may be needed in the elderly. Careful consideration of cardiovascular status.

How should Vam Vira be stored?

Cool, dry place below 30°C.

Who manufactures Vam Vira?


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