Ayrtons Haemoglobin  oral liquid bottle 200.0 ml #1

Ayrtons Haemoglobin oral liquid bottle 200.0 ml #1

Ayrton Saunders
6 bought
Available now!
3630 00

What is the recommended dosage of Ayrtons Haemoglobin Syrup & Vitamin B12 for a 7-year-old child?

One 5 ml spoonful four times a day.

What are the main ingredients of Ayrtons Haemoglobin Syrup & Vitamin B12 and in what forms are they present?

Haemoglobin (500mg per 5ml spoonful) and Vitamin B12 (20mcg per 5ml spoonful). Haemoglobin is present as Haemoglobin, and Vitamin B12 is present as cyanocobalamin.

Besides anaemia, in what other situations might Ayrtons Haemoglobin Syrup & Vitamin B12 be beneficial?

Run-down conditions, convalescence, malnutrition, and inadequate iron intake due to poor diet.

What is the role of haemoglobin in the body?

Acts as an oxygen carrier in the blood, transporting it from the lungs to the body's cells. Also plays a role in iron transport and storage.

What is the recommended dosage of Ayrtons Haemoglobin Syrup & Vitamin B12 for adults?

Two 5 ml spoonfuls four times a day.

What conditions can lead to vitamin B12 deficiency?

Strict vegetarian diets, malabsorption syndromes, metabolic disorders, and pernicious anaemia.

How should Ayrtons Haemoglobin Syrup & Vitamin B12 be stored?

In a cool place and out of the reach of children.

What is the volume of one bottle of Ayrtons Haemoglobin Syrup & Vitamin B12?

200.0 ml

What are some symptoms of haemoglobin deficiency (anaemia)?

Fatigue, lack of appetite, headache, dizziness, palpitations, inability to concentrate, and a general lack of energy.

How long is it recommended to take Ayrtons Haemoglobin Syrup & Vitamin B12?

At least three months.

Can Ayrtons Haemoglobin Syrup & Vitamin B12 be mixed with water?

Yes, preferably before a meal.

Who manufactures Ayrtons Haemoglobin Syrup & Vitamin B12?

Ayrton Saunders Ltd., Liverpool, United Kingdom.

What is the recommended dosage of Ayrtons Haemoglobin Syrup & Vitamin B12 for a 3-year-old child?

One 5 ml spoonful twice a day.

What are some of the situations mentioned where iron requirements may be increased?

Periods of growth, menstruation, pregnancy, and convalescence.

What is the advice given regarding seeking medical advice?

It is advisable, when possible, to seek medical advice, particularly for blood examination.

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