De-Deon's syrup bottle 280.0 ml #1

De-Deon's syrup bottle 280.0 ml #1

Daily-Need Industries Limited
cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12) + folic acid (vitamin B9) + iron ammonium citrate
152 bought
Available now!
3080 00

What is the recommended dosage of De-Deon's syrup for adults?

Adults should take 10-20ml twice a day.

What is the role of Vitamin B12 in De-Deon's syrup?

Vitamin B12 accelerates protein synthesis and promotes the maturation of red blood cells.

What are the indications for using De-Deon's syrup?

De-Deon's syrup is indicated for various types of anemia, physical depression, exhaustion after influenza, and during convalescence.

What is the function of Haemoglobin in the human body?

Haemoglobin absorbs oxygen from the lungs and distributes it to all body cells and gives blood its red color.

How does De-Deon's syrup contribute to blood regeneration?

It enriches the blood with haemoglobin and essential amino acids.

What is the connection between Haemoglobin and anaemia?

A lack of sufficient haemoglobin is a major cause of anaemia.

What are the available bottle sizes for De-Deon's syrup?

150ml and 280ml bottles.

Who manufactures De-Deon's syrup?

Daily-Need Industries Ltd.

How should De-Deon's syrup be taken?

Pure or mixed with a little water, preferably after meals.

What is the recommended dosage of De-Deon's syrup for children?

Children aged 2-5 years should take 5ml twice a day, and children aged 6-12 years should take 10ml twice a day.

What size is bottle #1 mentioned in the text?


How much syrup is contained in De-Deon's syrup bottle #1 as referenced in the provided text?

280.0 ml.

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