Feroglobin syrup bottle 200.0 ml #1

Feroglobin syrup bottle 200.0 ml #1

cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12) + folic acid (vitamin B9) + iron ammonium citrate
21 bought
Available now!
7700 00

What is the recommended dosage of Feroglobin syrup for a 5-year-old child?

One teaspoonful (5ml) 2-3 times daily.

What are the benefits of taking Feroglobin syrup?

It helps maintain health, vitality, and energy release, may help maintain intellectual performance and resistance to infection, and is beneficial for various groups including children, the elderly, athletes, and women during pregnancy or menstruation.

What is the role of iron in the body as related to Feroglobin syrup?

Iron is essential for producing haemoglobin, which carries oxygen to the body, facilitating energy release.

Does Feroglobin syrup contain alcohol, fat, or yeast?


What is the composition of 5ml of Feroglobin syrup?

See the list of ingredients in the original text.

What is the recommended dosage of Feroglobin syrup for adults?

One teaspoonful (5ml) 2 times daily.

What is the recommended dosage of Feroglobin syrup for women during pregnancy or menstruation?

5ml to 10ml twice daily, or as directed by a physician.

How should Feroglobin syrup be stored?

Below 30°C in a dry place, protected from light, and out of reach of children.

What is the quantity of Feroglobin syrup in one bottle?


Who manufactures Feroglobin syrup?

Maxheal Pharmaceuticals (India) Ltd. manufactures it, and Embassy Pharmaceutical & Chemicals LTD. distributes it in Lagos, Nigeria.

Is Feroglobin syrup suitable for vegetarians?


What is the recommended dosage for a child aged 18 months?

Half a teaspoonful twice daily.

What is Embaglobin, and how does it relate to Feroglobin?

It appears to be another name for the same tonic.

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