A multivitamin preparation containing water-soluble vitamins (B1, B2, B6, C) and fat-soluble vitamins (A, D2).
Supports normal metabolic functions.
Inadequate vitamin intake and as a nutritional supplement for babies and children.
0.3 ml (approximately 5 drops) daily.
0.6 ml (approximately 10 drops) daily.
Follow the recommended dosage unless instructed by a physician.
On the bottle label and in the product description.
Vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, C, and D2.
Vit. A: 4000 IU
Vit. B1: 1 mg
Vit. B2: 0.4 mg
Vit. B6: 0.5 mg
Vit. C: 25 mg
Vit. D2: 400 IU
Nicotinamide: 5 mg
Below 30°C and out of reach of children.
Afrab-Chem Ltd.
Yes, on the bottle label.